17 You see before you a young black dragon approximately twenty five feet in length. His evil eyes glitter as he stares at you. Emitting a deafening screech, he pounces. A young blue dragon of approximately thirty feet in length charges in your direction. It's ice blue eyes seem to emanate the evil of it's soul. Giving forth a roar like a thunderclap, it attacks. A young green dragon about twenty-five feet long stands among the trees. It's eyes belie it's evil intent, and you can smell it's noxious breath. Standing high on it's haunches it bellows a challenging roar. You see what appears to be a giant turtle with a great dragon's head. The shell of this beast is deep green with silver highlights, and is about twenty feet in diameter. It's head is green with golden highlights. On it's head is a crest of purest gold. You are confronted by an evil looking water dwelling humanoid. It is blackish green with black fins. It's eyes are large and totally black. You are attacked by what appears to be large strands of animated seaweed. You encounter what appears to be a very large spider. You are confronted by what appears to be a very large praying mantis. It's about ten feet long with a brownish chitinous shell. You encounter what appears to be a seven foot tall humanoid creature. It's hide is dull yellow, and it's hair is brick red. It's clothing and armor is ragged and filthy. You are attacked by a huge violet colored fungus with one tentacle. You are attacked by a foul smelling beast with the lower body of a vulture and upper body of an extremely ugly woman. You are confronted by what appears to be a six foot tall walking rat. You have encountered a small demon-like creature. You are confronted by a truly horrifying creature. It appears to be female, and is rotten like a zombie. You are attacked by what appears to be a serpent made of water. You encounter what appears to be a very large spider. You are attacked by what appears to be a seven foot long weasel.